Katherine Rawson
2) Roots We Eat
They're red! They're orange! They're purple! They live underground. They help plants grow. We can eat them, too. They're roots! Find out how roots help plants grow and learn about some of the roots we eat.
3) Seeds We Eat
Seeds are for planting. Seeds are for eating, too. If you've ever eaten beans or corn, you've eaten seeds. Find out about different kinds of seeds and learn about some of the seeds we eat.
5) Stems We Eat
Celery is fun to munch on. Yum! But celery is more than a tasty snack. Celery is an important part of a plant. Find out how stems help plants grow and learn about some of the stem vegetables we eat.
Accelerated Reader
IL: LG - BL: 3.4 - AR Pts: 1
"Fruits, vegetables, grains, and dairy-farms have them all! What crops do farmers plant? How do they grow? Kids can find the answers to all their questions about how farmers grow the foods we eat in this interactive Pebble Sprout series"--
Accelerated Reader
IL: LG - BL: 3.5 - AR Pts: 1
This whimsical story lets children imagine what life would be like if they were a pet parrot. Readers join four parrots their young, multicultural owners as they morph into four-toed parrots climbing around the house, then chew wooden spoons, popsicles-sticks and all-with hooked parrot beaks! The fun continues as children learn all about parrots and their adaptations.The "For Creative Minds" section has parrot fun facts, tips for taking care of a...
13) U.S. Capitol
Accelerated Reader
IL: LG - BL: 1 - AR Pts: 1
In U.S. Capitol, young readers will explore this D.C. landmark and learn about its historical significance. Vibrant, full-color photos and carefully leveled text will engage emergent readers as they explore this important American site.
A labeled diagram helps readers understand the parts of the U.S. Capitol, while a picture glossary reinforces new vocabulary. Children can learn more about the U.S. Capitol online using our safe search engine that...
Accelerated Reader
IL: LG - BL: 1 - AR Pts: 1
In Golden Gate Bridge, young readers will explore this California landmark and learn about its historical significance. Vibrant, full-color photos and carefully leveled text will engage emergent readers as they explore this important American site.
A labeled diagram helps readers understand the parts of the Golden Gate Bridge, while a picture glossary reinforces new vocabulary. Children can learn more about the Golden Gate Bridge online using our...
Accelerated Reader
IL: LG - BL: 1 - AR Pts: 1
In Washington Monument, young readers will explore this D.C. landmark and learn about its historical significance. Vibrant, full-color photos and carefully leveled text will engage emergent readers as they explore this important American site.
A labeled diagram helps readers understand the symbols associated with the Washington Monument, while a picture glossary reinforces new vocabulary. Children can learn more about the Washington Monument online...
Accelerated Reader
IL: LG - BL: 1 - AR Pts: 1
In Empire State Building, young readers will explore this New York landmark and learn about its historical significance. Vibrant, full-color photos and carefully leveled text will engage emergent readers as they explore this important American site.
A labeled diagram helps readers understand the parts of the Empire State Building, while a picture glossary reinforces new vocabulary. Children can learn more about the Empire State Building online using...
Accelerated Reader
IL: LG - BL: 1 - AR Pts: 1
In Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial, young readers will explore this D.C. landmark and learn about its historical significance. Vibrant, full-color photos and carefully leveled text will engage emergent readers as they explore this important American site.
A labeled diagram helps readers understand the parts of the memorial, while a picture glossary reinforces new vocabulary. Children can learn more about the Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial online...
¿Qué es precisamente lo que hace un loro todo el día? Únase a la diversión mientras los niños se imaginan cómo sería la vida de un loro como mascota. Juntos, los niños y los loros, se treparían en toda la casa, sobre los muebles y en las cortinas con las patas de un loro de cuatro dedos, y después masticarían las cucharas de madera, los palos de las paletas, e incluso un directorio telefónico con sus picos de gancho. La diversión continúa...